10 Common Breastfeeding Challenges and How a Metro Detroit Lactation Consultant Can Help

 10 Common Breastfeeding Challenges and How a Metro Detroit Lactation Consultant Can Help

For some, breastfeeding is a breeze and comes naturally, but for others it can be a stressful journey filled with challenges and frustrations. From latch issues to low milk supply, many new moms face obstacles along the way. Fortunately, the support of a knowledgeable IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) can make all the difference in overcoming these hurdles.

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Postpartum Meal Delivery in Metro Detroit

Postpartum Meal Delivery in Metro Detroit

I've never been more hungry than I was after having my baby. And I've never felt less like cooking. It's like my body went into overdrive, demanding fuel and nutrients to keep up with the demands of motherhood. If you're a new mom and finding yourself in the midst of postpartum and feel hungry ALL. THE. TIME., I see you and I’m here to tell you:

Mama, you need to eat!

And not just any old food. I’m talking about the good stuff – the kind that helps you heal, fuels your body, replenishes your minerals, keeps you sane, and maybe even makes you feel a little less like a sleep-deprived zombie.

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Sacred Postpartum Rituals & Supporting the Mother-Baby Dyad

Sacred Postpartum Rituals & Supporting the Mother-Baby Dyad

Becoming a mom is a deeply sacred and life-changing adventure and after 14 years as a doula, I’m increasingly convinced that postpartum care focusing on the mother-baby dyad is the most important work in the childbearing years. After experiencing a euphoric and fully supported 4th trimester myself, I am honored to introduce our Holistic Postpartum Recovery program —a spiritual and nurturing experience that deeply honors the mother-baby dyad, while drawing from ancient traditions to guide you towards an optimal 4th trimester recovery. If you’re looking for postpartum support in or near Oakland County, I have designed this program for you as a way to deepen your bond with your baby and help you tap into the timeless wisdom of your own maternal intuition.

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