3 Common Baby Sleep Myths

I don’t mess around when it comes to sleep and so when I hear these sleep myths being shared on Facebook Mom Groups or from well-meaning grandparents, I feel compelled to step in and set the record straight!

Sleeping too much during the day will negatively affect night sleep

No way, no how. NO. NO. NO. This myth is one that I hear SO frequently and it is the one that just makes me so upset.

Yes, newborns don’t have a developed circadian rhythm and can sleep more soundly during the day then at night. But once the circadian rhythm is established, consistent, well-timed naps will actually make night sleep better! If you’re keeping your baby up in the hopes that they’ll sleep better at night, all you’re doing is stressing your baby out and making them over tired, almost guaranteeing that they’ll sleep worse at night.

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What you need to know about sleep training your baby

As a new parent you will receive so much advice once your baby arrives. And while that advice is coming from a good place, advice from your well-meaning friends can create confusion or doubt. Your own parents may insist that THIS is the only way to do it creating pressure and even guilt. The reality is, every baby and every family is completely unique and there is no one-size-fits-all answer to parenting. If there was, we’d have one (and only one) parenting book that everyone would read and follow.

One of the most talked about topics for you as a new parent happens to be a topic that we specialize in: baby sleep. People are so dang curious about your baby’s sleep.

“Is your baby getting enough sleep?”

“Is your baby sleeping through the night yet?”

“How many naps does your baby take?”

“Is your baby a good sleeper?”

And of course, “Do you plan to sleep train?”

That last one is a doozy too because there are so many misconceptions about sleep training. What one parent considers “sleep training” may be completely different than what another person considers “sleep training” so we’re going to take some time to clear up those misconceptions.

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